El primer cambio importante ocurrió en 1917. La congregación decidió dividir el edificio en dos y agregar una sección a dos aguas en el medio. También se añadió un sótano.
A walk around the Cumberland
History was made on Wednesday, April 27, 2023. With a fresh coat of paint and new hand-cut cedar shingles, the steeple was raised to its original spot atop the Cumberland. This truly historic event wouldn't have been possible if not for YOU!
Gary Goby inspects details of the gable. His donation of talent and time included duplicating details and supplying materials.
After many days of cleaning, priming, and painting by volunteers, the details speak for themselves.
TGC Structural mounts the cupola to the steeple, which itself was mounted the day before.
Jody and Emma ready their paintbrushes!
Restored steeple and components.
Purchased the property & moved the building.
Installed a new roof.
Reinstalled the steeple.
Restored exterior siding and architectural details.
Painted the building.
Submitted the National Register Application.
Started Program Development.
The newly-painted front door.
El edificio fue trasladado a su nuevo hogar en la esquina de Santiam y Pine.